author . speaker . media maker

Be a brighter light.

Find out who you are
Discover your purpose
Inspire others to do the same


The world is in desperate need of a rethink.

Most people are imprinted with a basic program. With only a few instructions, people execute what appears to be individuality yet instead early on they trade their souls for homogeneity, and being an accepted member of the group takes over. In the past, building a workforce that could develop an economy was paramount to society, yet our education and professional development has completely stalled—entrenched in the backbone of a gone generation, of a historic view of what is best for all. The world is in desperate need of a rethink.

Humanity has evolved to a place where continuous development of the individual is possible. People no longer must simply work a job to exist. Instead they can contribute to society more meaningfully in the ways that align their understanding, passion and spirit. This aligned contribution is more powerful than if they simple accept their place in the rat race.

We all have wisdom to share. Our unique stories filled with interests, skills and experiences make it possible to do more and be more. Our current journey is only limited by the length of our life and there is no time to waste. We need to share what we see, and when we do everything breathes with meaning, joy and love.

There is purpose in everything.
The good news is you are in control of it.
The even better news is that you are not alone.

My story

The most impactful gift my father shared with me were audio recordings of Stephen Covey and Wayne Dyer. I listened to them on serial repeat until I graduated high school. It wasn’t just that I believed what they taught, it was that I was able to apply the lessons and techniques in my own life. Wayne Dyer introduced me to another pivotal guide, Carlos Castaneda and from there I read every book he wrote inside of a year.

For me, there have always been two worlds—one in which I need to be highly effective professionally and a second where I fall in love with the discovery and mysteries of the spiritual quest. Having spent over two decades as a leader in technology, I now see why all my experiences matter for where I am now.

I am endlessly curious and a ferocious learner. My passions are many and varied. You will find me talking about the practice of the craft as integral to the nourishment of the work. What is common across everything I love to do is writing, speaking and media making.

Consider a different perspective

Remarkable Leadership
for People & Teams

Personal or professional coaching to gain clarity, build your practice and kill at executing your vision.

Soul Sifting
for Individuals

Intimate working sessions going deep to (1) find out what you actually believe, (2) determine what you are called to do, and (3) align the two to bring them into action.

Secret Weapon
for Top Talent & Organizations

All of my experience and skill in your pocket so that you and your organization perform their best.

  • Fast-paced thinking for overcoming short-term obstacles

  • Strategic collaboration supporting & positioning longer-term vision

  • Developing your professional brand

  • Building killer development plans that create continued high-performance growth
  • Deep insight, recoding and focus

  • Profound clarity of purpose

  • Meaningful enduring impact
  • Building high-performance teams

  • Creative brainstorming generating more ideas than you can act on

  • Second opinion on your strategy & plan

  • Accelerate first-of-a-kind special projects including big data analytics, cloud and socia


Brian D. Goodman

Consummate distiller of ideas and people

I help people become better leaders. I teach people about discovering who they are, what they believe and what their purpose is. Which really means I teach people how to love who they are, love what they do and sort out how pass it on.

Let's talk.

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